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Human Blood Tests
What types of blood tests may be required?
1. Basic metabolic panel or comprehensive metabolic panel
2. Glycohemoglobin
3. Lipid panel
4. Thyroid stimulating hormone
5. Complete blood count (CBC) no differential
6. Urinalysis with microscopy and culture or Urine analysis microalbumin urine random
7. Stool test for occult blood

Basic Metabolic Panel

What is included in a basic metabolic panel?
8 substances are measured in your blood.
1. Glucose
2. Calcium
3. Blood urea nitrogen
4. Creatinine
Four electrolytes
5. Sodium
6. Potassium
7. Bicarbonate
8. Chloride

Comprehensive Metabolic Panel

What is included in a comprehensive metabolic panel?
Fourteen individual tests. The eight tests included in the basic metabolic panel plus six additional tests that measure certain proteins and liver enzymes in your blood.
1. Glucose
2. Calcium
3. Blood urea nitrogen
4. Creatinine
Four electrolytes
5. Sodium
6. Potassium
7. Bicarbonate
8. Chloride
Six additional tests of the comprehensive metabolic panel
9. Total protein
10. Bilirubin
11. Albumin
Three liver enzymes. Enzymes are substances that act as a catalyst and allow certain bodily processes to happen.
12. Alkaline phosphatase (ALP)
13. Alanine transaminase (ALT)
14. Aspartate aminotransferase (AST)

Complete blood count (CBC)

What is included in a complete blood count (CBC)?
1. Component: HGB Your Value: 15.8 g/dL Standard Range: 13.0 - 17.0 g/dL
2. WBC 5.7 K/mcL 4.2 - 11.0 K/mcL
3. RBC 5.72 mil/mcL 4.50 - 5.90 mil/mcL
4. HCT 46.9% 39.0 - 51.0%
5. MCV 82.0 fl 78.0 - 100.0 fl
6. MCH 27.6 pg 26.0 - 34.0 pg
7. MCHC 33.7 g/dL 32.0 - 36.5 g/dL
8. PLT 165 K/mcL 140 - 450 K/mcL
9. RDW-CV 12.8% 11.0 - 15.0%
10. RDW-SD 38.2 fL 39.0 - 50.0 fL L
11. NRBC 0 /100 WBC <=0 /100 WBC
Date: August 23, 2022
Location: Chicago
Name: Dr. Asif Qureshi
Impression: Normal

Why was there need for Dr. Asif Qureshi to elaborate on these issues via the internet?
This is proof for the Social Security Administration in the United States that Dr. Asif Qureshi can diagnose and treat patients via the internet. The process was started by the Social Security Administration of the United States. The mentioned executive skills are part of human healthcare. It has taken him 22 years to elaborate on 147 government departments mentioned here www.qureshiuniversity.com/departments.html.

What do you have to do if you are outside the United States?
Where is your profile?
When was your last complete blood count (CBC) done?
When was your last basic metabolic panel done?
When was your last comprehensive metabolic panel done?
Was this done fasting or random?
Where are the results of these blood tests?

If you are outside the United States, scan your blood test document and display it via the internet. Dr. Asif Qureshi will give you a diagnosis and outline treatment via the internet.
Last Updated: February 18, 2023