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What life stressors are emergencies?

Inadequate or improper food.
Inadequate or improper housing.
Inadequate or improper health care.
Inadequate or improper security.
Inadequate transportation relevant to emergency.
Inadequate clothing relevant to climate.
Inadequate or improper guidelines relevant to basic needs.
Any medical emergency.

What are various life stressors a human being can experience?

There are more than 180 life stressors.
A human being can experience one or more life stressors at any given point.

Life stressors can be good stressors or bad stressors.

If bad life stressors are not managed properly or appropriate help is not obtained, bad life stressors can lead to various harms.

A medical doctor can experience life stressors.
A counselor can experience life stressors.
Stressors can be good or bad.



Arguments with children
Alcohol misuse
Addition to family

Bureaucracy/red tape
Being fired at work
Beginning or ceasing formal schooling
Business readjustment
Birth of a baby (Normal)
Birth of a baby (Conspiracy)
Birth of a grandchild

Change in living conditions
Change in resources
Change in number of arguments with spouse
Change to a different line of work
Change in eating habits
Changes in residence
Changing to a new school
Change in number of family gatherings
Career change
Change in eating habits
Change in number of marital arguments
Change in work responsibilities
Change in work hours, conditions
Change in mosque, church activities
Change in social activities
Change in recreational habits
Change in residence
Change in family member’s health
Change in schools
Change in sleeping habits
Change in the health/behavior of a family member
Change in nature of work
Children leaving home
Caring for a chronically ill relative
Conflicts with colleagues
Car breakdown
Chronic pain

Death of close friend
Damp conditions
Drug misuse
Difficult neighbours
Death of close family member
Divorce(Relevant to type of relationship)
Detention in jail or other institution
Death of spouse
Death of close family member
Delegation problems
Difficult relationship with children
Difficult relationship with parents
Distressed relationships
Excess noise
Excessive self criticism
Excessive worrying
Excess pessimism
Excess anger
Excess cold
Excessive Exercise
Excess/to little exercise
Excess heat
Excess caffeine

Fear of crime
Food, housing problems
Fired from job
Family member left home

Gaining a new family member(ie.,birth,adoption)
Giving talks/presentations

Health worries

Inconsiderate people
Increased care for elderly or ill person

Jail term
Job dissatisfaction

Lack of sleep
Locus of control
Low assertion
Low self esteem
Lifecycle Disruption
Lack of relaxation
Low self esteem
Late hours
Low levels of assertion
Living in an urban area
Low social support

Major change in number of family get-togethers
Major change in sleeping habits (a lot more or a lot less than usual)
Major change in social activities (________)
Major change in usual type and/or amount of recreation
Major change in mosque, church or temple activity (i.e.. a lot more or less than usual)
Major changes in working hours or conditions
Major change in living condition
Major change in responsibilities at work
Misplacing keys
Marital reconciliation
Marriage (Describe)
Marital separation
Major business readjustment
Marital reconciliation with mate
Marital Separation from mate
Meal Preparation
Major house renovation
Made redundant

Nutritional Deficiencies
Noise Pollution
Negative self talk

Older adult moving in
Office Politics

Personal injury or illness
People pleasing
Poor diet
Personal injury or illness
Problems with children People pleasing
Poor support/supervision
Poor Diet
Poor housing
Partner with health problems
Partner with alcohol/drug problems
Problem neighbours
Problems with relatives
Problems with friends/neighbours
Pet-related problems

Retirement from work
Repeated conspiracies
Revision of personal habits (dress manners, associations, quitting smoking)
Role ambiguity
Relationship difficulties
Rude, aggressive, unhelpful people
Rigid thinking style
Racial harassment
Racism And Discrimination

Separation from loved one
Sleep Deprivation
Surgical operation experienced by family member or relative
Surgical operation on yourself
Spouse stressor
    An unaffectionate spouse
    Unforgiving attitude of a spouse
    Lack of proper communication between spouses
    Unable to find quality time for each other
    Extramarital relationships
    Step children
    Dealing with in-laws
    Repeated conpiracies (See conspiracies in detail)
Son or daughter leaving home
Spouse begins or ceases working
Starting or finishing school
Sexual Difficulties
Sleep Problems

Temperature Extremes
Toxic Exposures
Trouble with in-laws
Trouble with boss
Taking on a _________ (car,etc.,)
Traffic jams
Time pressures
Trouble with boss
Threat of redundancy

Unrealistic beliefs
Unrealistic expectations

Victim of crime

Work-related problems
    * long hours
    * heavy workload and/or tight deadlines
    * organisational change
    * lack of __________
    * lack of clear direction at work
    * lack of autonomy
    * boring work
    * lack of proper resources, equipment or training
    * poor working conditions
    * few promotional opportunities
    * harassment and/or discrimination
    * conflict with colleagues or supervisors
    * traumatic incidents, such as workplace accidents
