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Questions that need to be further answered according to Dr. Asif Qureshi:
Questions that need to be debated further.
Medical Doctor

Substance Use Disorders (SUDs)
Substance Use Disorder (SUD)
What should you be able to elaborate about a medical condtion?
    1. What is it? Answer

    2. What causes it? Answer

    3. What complications can occur? Answer

    4. What are the risk factors? Answer

    5. What's normal? Answer

    6. How is it diagnosed? Answer

    7. What is the diagnosis? Answer

    8. What are the symptoms? Answer

    9. What are the signs? Answer

    10. What are the clinical findings? Answer

    11. What are the lab or investigation findings? Answer

    12. What human anatomy should one know relevant to this medical condition? Answer

    13. What human physiology should one know relevant to this medical condition? Answer

    14. What human biochemistry should one know relevant to this medical condition? Answer

    15. What human microbiology should one know relevant to this medical condition? Answer

    16. How many such cases occur worldwide every year? Answer

    17. How has diagnosis and treatment of this medical condition evolved? Answer

    18. What medical history should you seek relevant to this issue? Answer

    19. What happens in this medical condition? Answer

    20. What research is being done on this issue? Answer

    21. How can I help? Answer

    22. How can you help? Answer

    23. How is this medical condition reported? Answer

    24. What should happen before reporting this medical condition? Answer

    25. What are the types of this medical condition? Answer

    26. What is the treatment? Answer

    27. What are the workable treatment options? Answer

    28. When is counseling required? Answer

    29. When is medication required? Answer

    30. How long should medication last? Answer

    31. What type of medication is available? Answer

    32. How could this be prevented? Answer

Substance Use Disorders (SUDs)
Substance Use Disorder: What is it?
A substance use disorder is a medical condition defined by the inability to control the use of a particular substance(s) despite harmful consequences. The substances can be prescription drug(s), over-the-counter drug(s), alcohol, or illicit drug(s).

Substance use disorder (SUD) or substance use disorders (SUDs): Which is correct?
Both are correct. Substance use disorders (SUDs) is a big entity; within this can be one substance use disorder (SUD).

What are the 10 separate classes of drugs the DSM-5-TR recognizes relevant to substance-related and addictive disorders?
1. Alcohol
2. Caffeine
3. Cannabis
4. Hallucinogens
5. Inhalants
6. Opioids
7. Sedatives
8. Hypnotics or anxiolytics
9. Stimulants (including amphetamine-type substances, cocaine, and other stimulants)
10. Tobacco

Where exactly is the substance-related and addictive disorders in Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition by the American Psychiatric Association?
Take a look at this: https://qureshiuniversity.com/Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition DSM-5 by American Psychiatric Association.html
Type this statement:
Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders
Hit enter.
You will see:
Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders
Executive research questions and answers authored by Dr. Asif Qureshi were not in this manual on or before January 20, 2024.

What are the 11 criteria for substance use disorder?
1. Cravings and urges to use the substance.
2. Continuing to use, even when it causes problems in relationships.
3. Continuing to use, even when you know you have a physical or psychological problem that could have been caused or made worse by the substance.
4. Development of withdrawal symptoms, which can be relieved by taking more of the substance.
5. Giving up important social, occupational, and/or recreational activities because of substance use.
6. Needing more of the substance to get the effect you want (tolerance).
7. Not managing to do what you should at work, home, and/or school because of substance use.
8. Spending a lot of time getting, using, or recovering from use of the substance.
9. Taking the substance in larger amounts or for longer than you are meant to.
10. Using substances again and again, even when they put you in danger.
11. Wanting to cut down or stop using the substance but not managing to do so.

How is substance use disorder classified according to severity?

What is mild, moderate, and severe?
Mild: Two to three signs indicate mild opioid use disorder
Moderate: Four to five signs indicate moderate opioid use disorder.
Severe: Six or more signs indicate severe opioid use disorder.

Is there a difference between substance use disorder and substance abuse?
Yes. In substance abuse or substance misuse, a person uses a substance inappropriately or in ways that cause harm to themselves and the people around them. Chronic substance abuse can lead to substance use disorder.

What are the categories?
Types of Substance Use Disorders
The DSM provides diagnostic criteria for 10 classes of SUD, which, excluding caffeine and tobacco, include:
Alcohol use disorder.
Cannabis use disorder, also known as marijuana use disorder.
Phencyclidine use disorder, a type of hallucinogen.
Other hallucinogen-use disorder, which includes hallucinogens other than phencyclidine.
Inhalant use disorder.
Opioid use disorder.
Sedative, hypnotic, or anxiolytic use disorder, which includes substances like benzodiazepines, benzodiazepine-like drugs such as zolpidem (Ambien), carbamates, and barbiturates.
Stimulant use disorder, which includes substances like cocaine or methamphetamine.

Opioid Use Disorder

What do the statistics reveal?
The 2019 results show the prevalence of SUDs in general and specific types of the following: SUDs in the United States in people aged 12 and older over the previous year.
5 million had an alcohol use disorder.
6 million had a marijuana use disorder.
1 million had a cocaine use disorder.
438,000 had a heroin use disorder.
1 million had a methamphetamine use disorder.
558,000 had a prescription stimulant use disorder.
681,000 had a prescription tranquilizer or sedative use disorder.
4 million had a prescription pain reliever disorder.
6 million had an opioid use disorder.

This was known on January 19, 2024.
Opioid use disorder affects 20 million people worldwide.
Opioids are responsible for more than 120,000 deaths worldwide every year.

What causes it?

What is another name or term for the narcotics?
Opiates and opioids

What are narcotics?
Narcotics are a class of drugs that are chemicals.
Narcotics can be natural or synthetic.

What are the examples of the prescription narcotics (opioids and opiates) to treat acute pain (such as recovering from an injury or following surgery) or chronic pain?
Methadone: A synthetic opioid often used to treat substance use disorders.
19 prominent drugs are on the list.

What is the difference between legal drugs and illicit drugs?
Prescription drugs and over-the-counter drugs are legal drugs.
The following list displays illicit (illegal) drugs.

What are non-prescription illicit (illegal) drugs?
Alcohol and alcohol-based products (when sold to minors)
Crack cocaine
Marijuana (in some states)
Methamphetamine (meth)
Prescription drugs (when sold without a prescription)
Heroin is another opiate that is derivative of morphine. It is exclusively used for recreational purposes.

Understanding the Difference Between Prescription Fentanyl and Illicit Fentanyl

What is the difference between opioid use disorder and the opioid dependence?
Opioid use disorder causes life problems or distress. Opioid use disorder is more serious than opioid dependence.

What are the signs of opioid overdose?
Slow, weak breathing.
Falling asleep
Losing consciousness
Chocking or gurgling sounds
No breathing
Small, constricted pinpoint pupils
Limp body
Cold and/or clammy skin
Discolored skin (especially in lips and nails)

What have statistics revealed about drug overdose deaths in the United States and worldwide?

What must you do if you think someone is overdosing?
Administer naloxone if available.
Try to keep the person awake and breathing.
Lay the person on their side to prevent choking.
Call for medical emergency help or 911.
Stay with the person until emergency assistance arrives.

What questions must be answered relevant to a person with substance use disorder?

What is the treatment?
Let me explain.
Treat the underlying cause.

What substance is troubling the person among the listed substances?
2. Caffeine
3. Cannabis
4. Hallucinogens
5. Inhalants
6. Opioids
7. Sedatives
8. Hypnotics or anxiolytics
9. Stimulants (including amphetamine-type substances, cocaine, and other stimulants)
10. Tobacco
11. Any other (specify)

How does drug detox work?

How should the counseling proceed?
Take a look at 10 separate classes of drugs.
First I will apply this to myself.
Dr. Asif Qureshi does not have any substance use disorders.
On or before January 20, 2024, Dr. Asif Qureshi never had any substance use disorders.

Now I/we can help those who have a substance use disorder?
See the 11 diagnostic criteria for a substance use disorder.

How many do you have among the list?
2, 4, or more than 6.
If more than 6, you have a severe substance use disorder.

Can you identify the category that describes your substance use disorder among the listed categories?
Click the category that describes your situation.
Proceed further relevant to your situation.

How is it diagnosed?
This is relevant to substance use disorder.
A person must have at least 2 of the 11 DSM criteria.


Naloxone: What is it?
A medication that can reverse an overdose from opioids. Opioids include heroin, fentanyl, and prescription opioid medications.

What are the forms of Naloxone?
Prefilled nasal spray

How does Naloxone work?
Naloxone blocks the effects of opioids.
It can restore normal breathing to someone whose breath has slowed or even stopped as a result of opioid overdose within 2 to 3 minutes.

Who must carry Naloxone?
A person who has opioid use disorder.
If you have been prescribed high dose opioids, you should carry Naloxone.

People who are taking high dose opioid medications (greater than or equal to 50 morphine milligram equivalents per day) prescribed by a doctor, people who use opioids and benzodiazepines together, and people who use illicit opioids like heroin should carry Naloxone.

Can you get Naloxone at your local pharmacy without a prescription?

Where else can you get Naloxone without a prescription?
Community-based Naloxone programs
Syringe service programs

How do you verify is this is really this specific medication?
See the photograph.

What does Naloxone look like and how do you verify it is Naloxone?


How do you administer Naloxone? How do you use it?
Naloxone can be given as a nasal spray or it can be injected into the muscle, under the skin, or into the veins.

How do you verify Naloxone is available in a nearby pharmacy?
Forward these questions to the nearby pharmacy.

Can you give me details about the availability of Naloxone?

What does it look like?

How much does it cost?

What forms are available?

What is the dose?

Where do you go for further help?

www.qureshiuniversity.com/psychiatryworld.html and www.qureshiuniversity.com/sud.html

Who must forward reimbursement to Dr. Asif Qureshi for this executive research that has helped, is helping, and will help millions of people in the United States and worldwide?

Last Updated: January 18, 2024