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What is a headword?
A headword is the form which introduces an entry in a printed dictionary. It is the form by which a dictionary is sorted.

A word that may be modified by an adjunct.

Something attached to another in a dependent or subordinate position. See Synonyms at appendage.

A headword, head word, lemma, or sometimes catchword is the word under which a set of related dictionary or encyclopaedia entries appear. The headword is used to locate the entry, and dictates its alphabetical position. Depending on the size and nature of the dictionary or encyclopedia, the entry may include alternative meanings of the word, its etymology and pronunciation, compound words or phrases that contain the headword, and encyclopedic information about the concepts represented by the word.

For example, the headword bread may contain the following (simplified) definitions:


A common food made from the combination of flour, water and yeast

To coat in breadcrumbs

Headwords of the Academic Word List

This list contains the head words of the families in the Academic Word List. The numbers indicate the sublist of the Academic Word List. For example, abandon and its family members are in Sublist 8 of the Academic Word List. Sublist 1 contains the most frequent words, and Sublist 10 the least frequent.

abandon 8
abstract 6
academy 5
access 4
accompany 8
accumulate 8
accurate 6
achieve 2
acknowledge 6
acquire 2
adapt 7
adequate 4
adjacent 10
adjust 5
administrate 2
adult 7
advocate 7
affect 2
aggregate 6
aid 7
albeit 10
allocate 6
alter 5
alternative 3
ambiguous 8
amend 5
analogy 9
analyse 1
annual 4
anticipate 9
apparent 4
append 8
appreciate 8
approach 1
appropriate 2
approximate 4
arbitrary 8
area 1
aspect 2
assemble 10
assess 1
assign 6
assist 2
assume 1
assure 9
attach 6
attain 9
attitude 4
attribute 4
author 6
authority 1
automate 8
available 1
aware 5
behalf 9
benefit 1
bias 8
bond 6
brief 6
bulk 9
capable 6
capacity 5
category 2
cease 9
challenge 5
channel 7
chapter 2
chart 8
chemical 7
circumstance 3
cite 6
civil 4
clarify 8
classic 7
clause 5
code 4
coherent 9
coincide 9
collapse 10
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commence 9
comment 3
commission 2
commit 4
commodity 8
communicate 4
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compile 10
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comprehensive 7
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compute 2
conceive 10
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concurrent 9
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confirm 7
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consent 3
consequent 2
considerable 3
consist 1
constant 3
constitute 1
constrain 3
construct 2
consult 5
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contact 5
context 1
contract 1
contradict 8
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coordinate 3
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corporate 3
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couple 7
create 1
credit 2
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culture 2
currency 8
cycle 4
data 1
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document 3
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element 2
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enormous 10
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entity 5
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equate 2
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mediate 9
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mental 5
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