Common Medical Conditions General Frequent bouts with flu-like symptoms (possibly related to lowered immune system and body resistance) / more colds than normal Cold, clammy hands and/or feet Increased sweating Increased appetite and obesity Inability to work / sudden bursts of uncontrollable energy Faintness / dizziness / numbness / paralysis Immunologic Allergy Reduced resistance to infection Tumor promotion Auto-Immune Phenomena Extremities Muscular-Skeletal Systems Muscle aches (especially neck, shoulders, back or legs) cramping / tightness Unexplained fatigue / muscle weakness / lethargy Arthritic-like joint pains Neck pain / backache / sharp momentary shooting pains Numbness /paralysis of extremities Head Eyes Ears Nose Throat Headaches / migraines / tension / sinus headaches Frowning or frequent wrinkling of the forehead Dry mouth / bad breath / difficulty swallowing Jaw clenching / jaw pain / bruxism / tenomandibular joint syndrome Teeth gnashing / grinding Facial tics and twitching Eye "strain" / Changes in visual acuity Ringing in the ears Respiratory Cardiovascular Systems Cackling, hacking cough Rapid heartbeat / irregular heartbeat / arrhythmia Chest pains / shortness of breath / angina-like symptoms Hyperventilation Gastrointestinal System Nausea / vomiting / diarrhea / constipation Stomach or abdominal pain / acid indigestion / reflux of acid into esophagus Bloating / biliousness Urinary and Reproductive Systems Frequent urination / difficulty starting and stopping urination Discomfort on urination / impotence Irregular Menstruation / menstrual cramps / skipped menstrual periods / absent menstrual periods Premenstrual Syndrome Menopausal Symptoms Common Behavioral and Other Manifestations Caused by or Associated with Stress General Insomnia / nightmares / frequent day dreaming Increased or decreased appetite Increased or chain smoking Frigidity / loss of sex drive / obsessive sex drive Addictions to alchol, drugs, prescription drugs Constantly thinking / rehashing / rehearsing / worrying Emotional Flutters of fear / anxiety at odd moments / feeling on edge / feeling jumpy / feeling out of control / feeling tense / nervousness / anxiety or panic episodes Feelings of frustration / inability to define reason for frustration / an awareness that while organized and working hard, you are not producing or accomplishing much. Waves of anger / feelings of hurt and disappointment / depression /irritability / bad temper Crying episodes / laughing episodes for no apparent reason. Altered moods / feeling like you are living in a fog or that there is a cloud or curtain separating you from your life / nagging Feeling you must always have something to do, you can't sit still and enjoy life Physical Unconscious foot or finger- tapping / nail biting / scratching picking at body / pacing / restlessness / unnecessary hand waving / wild gestures Persistent ache "in the center of you" Stuttering Digestive Eating problems / obesity / anorexia /abdominal pain / diarrhea Memory and Thought Process Memory slips / loss or inability to remember familiar names and faces / reduced instant recall / reverie / reliving past experience instead of dealing with the present. Difficulty concentrating / must continually re-read material both personal and work-related / inattentiveness / shortening of memory or attention span Foggy thinking / racing thoughts / impaired judgement Indecisiveness / feeling confused / fear of making decision The knowledge that "the little problems" you've been experiencing disappear completely when you are absorbed in a movie or something very pleasurable but return immediately when the activity is over. Confusion Attention Deficit Stress-Related Disorders General Metabolic Systems Hypoglycemia, hyperthyroidism, worsening or triggering of diabetes Acne, hives, rashes, neurodermatitis Asthma, bronchitis Obesity Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Psychiatric Post-traumatic stress syndrome Neurosis Transient situational disturbances Depression Anxiety and Panic attacks A general loss of sense of well-being Musculoskeletal System Tension headache, Migraine headache Low, Mid and Upper Back pain, Neck pain Injuries, accidents and strains Cardiovascular System Coronary artery disease Heart attack Stroke Hypertension (high blood pressure) Gastrointestinal System Peptic ulcer disease, gastritis Ulcerative colitis Irritable bowel syndrome Constipation, diarrhea Immunologic System Reduced resistance to infection (Colds, flu, viral, parasitic illnesses and other minor illnesses of all sort) Allergies (All types) Tumor promotion, benign and malignant Urinary and Reproductive Systems Failure to menstruate, excessive menstruation Infertility Fibroid tumors Impotence Premature ejaculation Incontinence Bladder and prostate infections