Search Engine Installation Errors This takes about 2 days. Sometimes this can take more in case of any serious errors ------------------- 1. Create a database Name of the database globe. --------------------------------- 2. Set connection parameters properly. Configuration file $database = "human_globe"; $mysql_user = "human"; $mysql_password = "98909669"; $mysql_host = "localhost or"; $mysql_table_prefix = ""; (In certain situation instead of database name globe you need to enter username for example human +_+globe = human_globe) or $database="qureshiu_globe"; $mysql_user = "qureshiu"; $mysql_password = "59611559"; $mysql_host = "localhost"; $mysql_table_prefix = ""; ------------------------------------ 3. Upload globe folder to server or (required folder ----der)Hosting server Check out name servers for Where was registered first? You need to change nameserver at the resource you registered first. What nameserver host server has provided? Name server that host server provided that you have to update at webserver that domain was registered first. Update name servers for example to host server name server Name Server: A.NS.INTERLAND.NET Name Server: B.NS.INTERLAND.NET or ------------------------ 4. Check out Does it display all files in the folder? ------------------------ 5. Once you place globe folder in public_html folder and try to acces this through an error like "forbidden" can be displayed. This is a server side error. Fix issue through server side. Go ahead with rest of the guidelines. _____________________________________________ 6. Installation file Creating tables successfully completed. Go to admin.php to start indexing. Login to admin Login to admin admin poilkjmn or as required. Here are further guidelines. searchenginedocumentation.txt If installation is successful.Search engine works. Later this is displayed. Cannot connect to database, check if username, password and host are correct. What is the conclusion? Server side error. This is not coding error. -------------------------------- 7.index file in public_html place this code --------------------------------------- 8. Login to admin Verify if Internet indexing is properly done. -------------------------------------- 9. You may get error like this Nothing is displayed or [11-Jul-2013 05:13:20] PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '}' in /home/globebz/public_html/globe/search.php on line 1 Replace search.php file only with original file. ---------------------------------- 10. If you replace search.php with original file themes need to change including search.jpg Focus on this areas, Sphider, powered by. ----------- Place this at top of serach.php
--------------------------- (powered by)replace with

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