Early Vegetative Phase

(from germination to tillering)

The vegetative phase starts at seed establishment (germination) and ends at the onset of panicle initiation, during the late vegetative phase. The number of days in this phase varies in different varieties. For example, the 120-day rice variety will have 55 days in the vegetative phase, while the 150-day variety may take 85 days. Further, low temperature or long day length can increase the duration of the vegetative phase.

Transplanted rice

* Nursery management
* Crop establishment
* Water management
* Nutrient management
* Weed management
* Insect management
* Snail management

Wet-seeded rice

* Crop Establishment
* Water Management
* Nutrient Management
* Weed Management
* Rodent Management
* Insect Management
* Snail Management

Dry-seeded rice

* Crop Establishment
* Weed Management