Parental Stress Stress is defined as any physical or emotional demand that you feel unable to handle. These demands encompass all of the little hassles you experience every day, from the moment you try to get children up for school to the moment you finally get them to bed at night. Even though these daily hassles are often considered trivial, over time, these hassles add up, building in pressure, until you are ready to burst out with anger and frustration. Whether you stay at home or work, single or married, mother or father, parent of one child or several children—remaining cool, calm and full of energy can be difficult. Some of the common parental stressors are: • Aggressive children • Children under performing in school • Handling stepchildren • Hyperactive children • Caring for a physically or mentally challenged child • Nursing chronically ill child • Parenting adolescents or teenagers Parenting can be a pleasurable experience despite its inherent anxieties, worries, frustrations and physical stress. Here is how: • Accept the fact that stress can`t be avoided • Seek support from near and dear ones or experts • Plan the day`s work • Communicate more freely with children • Encourage children to forget failure and help them to strive for better performances • Lend an ear to the children • Share quality time with them