1)A patient is performing the movement of flexion of the hip joint when she : a) Moves the limb away from the midline in the coronal plane b) Moves the limb posteriorly in the paramedian plane c) Moves the limb anteriorly in the paramedian plane d) Moves the limb towards the median sagittal plane 2) Inversion of the foot is a movement when the sole faces : a) Downwards & Posteriorly b) Medially c) Laterally d) Downwards & Laterally 3) The lines of cleavage or Langer's lines are: a) Finger Prints b) Skin creases over joints c) The direction of the rows of elastic fibers in the dermis d) The direction of the rows of collagen fibers in the dermis 4) Which of the following statements are true regarding root of right lung... a) The right phrenic nerve passes anterior to the lung root b) The azygos vein arches forward over the superior margin of the lung root. c) The right pulmonary artery lies anterior to the principal bronchus in the lung root d) The right Vagus nerve passes posterior to the lung root 5) The strenocostal surface [anterior] of the heart is formed by the : a) Right atrium b) Right ventricle c) Left ventricle d) Left atrium 6) The following statements concerning the abdominal part of the sympathetic trunk are not true except : a) It enters the abdomen behind the lateral arcuate ligament. b) All the ganglia receive white rami communicantes c) Gray Rami Communicantes are given off to the lumbar spinal nerves d) The trunk passes 6 segmentally arranged ganglia 7) Which of the following are correct? a) The pre aortic lymph nodes drain lymph from the kidneys & supra renals. b) The branches of the superior mesenteric artery serving the jejunum form more arcades than those serving the ileum c) The coronary ligament of the liver lies anterior to the abdominal portion of the esophagus . d) The attachment of the hepatic veins to the inferior vena cava is one of the most important supports to the liver 8) The hilus of the right kidney contains the following important structures a) Branches of the renal artery b) Renal pelvis c) Sympathetic nerve plexus d) Tributaries of renal veins 9) Which of the following muscles elevate the palate during swallowing? a) Tensor veli palatini b) Levator veli palatini c) Palatopharygeus d) Palatoglossus 10) A patient is unable to taste a piece of sugar cube placed on the anterior part of his tongue . Which cranial nerve is affected? a) Facial b) Glossopharyngeal c) Vagus d) Hypoglossal 11) All the following elements of the adult brain develop from the telencephalon except: a) Corpus striatum b) Internal capsule c) Occipital lobe d) Thalamus 12) Fossa of Rossenmuller" is situated in: a) Base of the skull b) Behind the opening of Eustachian tube c) In the posterior Pharyngeal wall d) Behind the opening of the Parotid duct 13) Blood supply to the internal capsule includes all of the following except: a) Middle cerebral artery b) Anterior Cerebral artery c) Anterior choroidal artery d) Posterior cerebral artery 14) The celiac axis arises from the front of aorta at the vertebral level of: a) T11 b) T12 c) L1 d) L2 15) The area of external cardiac compression in adults is : a) Precordial area b) Lower part of sternum c) Upper part of sternum d) Right parasternal area 16) Chromosomal nomenclature is based on : a) Position of the Centro mere b) Staining properties c) Number of chromosomes d) Length of the arms 17) Posterior boundary of foramen of Winslow is formed by: a) Aorta b) Inferior vena cava c) Portal vein d) Liver 18) Demarcation of duodenum from jejunum is shown by: a) Ligament of Treitz b) Superior mesenteric artery c) Falciform ligament d) Tail of pancreas 19) External ear is developed from: a) 1st brachial arch b) 2nd brachial cleft c) 1st brachial cleft d) 2nd brachial arch. 20) Joint at Knee is: a) Synarthrosis b) Symphysis c) Amphiarthrosis . d) Diarthrosis