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Masters/PhD Psychology
Q) What have you done that merits a PhD?
Q) For what problems/issues are you here today?


Q) What do you hope we can help with?


Q) How much do you need help immediately?

Not very much Very, very much

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Q) What is your name?


Q) What is your real, birth name?


Q) Where and when were you born?


Q) What is your date of birth?


Q) Where did you go to high school?


Q) Where did you go to college?


Q) What's your father's name?


Q) What's your mother's birth name?


Q) Where were they both born?


Q) What is a good character?


Q) What is your mailing address?


Q) What is your Email address?


Q) Are you a male or a female?


Q) What has been your mailing address from the time of your birth until now?


Q) Which language do you use with your parents, relatives, and teachers?


Q) Which language should you use with parents, relatives, and teachers?


Q) What's your political affiliation?


Q) How important is religion?


Q) Why do people do what they do?


Q) Why seek counseling?


Q) When should you seek counseling?


Q) Do you need counseling?


Q) What do you know about counseling?


Q) What do you know and how do you know it?


Q) What are the different types of counseling?


Q) What kind of counseling will you need?


Q) What are the consequences of applying the wrong type of counseling to a situation?


Q) What are some examples of counseling sabotage?


Q) Who should be reprimanded/disciplined/punished for counseling sabotage?


Q) What punishments do they deserve?


Q) What happens to the information about the client?


Q) What can I talk with my counselor about?


Q) How long does counseling take?


Q) In case of an emergency what phone number can I use to reach you?


Q) In case of an emergency at what email can I reach you?


Q) What is the date today?


Q) Can you count from 1 to 10?


Q) Can you count backwards from 10 to 1?


Q) What's your address?


Q) Where are you located now?


Q) Who needs counseling?


Q) What determines human behavior?


Q) Can we control and manipulate human behavior?


Q) What are the dangers in our ability to control and manipulate behavior?


Q) How can we prevent unethical people from using these devices to serve their own selfish ends?


Q) What type of counseling will you need?


Q) What is counseling?


Q) Do I need counseling?


Q) Why do I need counseling?


Q) What kind of counseling will I need?


Q) Do you know the consequences of wrong referrals?


Q) Why do you need counseling?


Q) Which kind of counseling is most effective? Why?


Q) Why seek counseling?


Q) When should you seek counseling?


Q) Why do you need this counseling?


Q) What happens to the information about the client?


Q) What can I talk with my counselor about?


Q) How long does counseling take?


Q) What is the date today?


Q) How many psychologists, muftis, Imams and priests are there in ______?


Q) What do these psychologists, muftis, Imams and priests know about case management?


Q) How do they manage their cases?


Q) How do you manage cases?


Q) How should you manage cases?


Q) How does counseling work?


Q) Do you know that a person's behavior can be modified?


Q) Do you know a person can be brainwashed?


Q) Do you know human behaviour can be controlled both overtly and covertly?


Q) Do you know human behaviour can be manipulated both overtly and covertly?


Q) What do you know about monopolies?


Q) What is an embarrassment?


Q) Can you explain what's it like to be embarrassed?


Q) Did you ever feel embarrassed?


Q) What was the scenario?


Q) What are the issues?


Q) What are the different solutions?


Q) What is the best solution?


Q) Is the claim any one of these?


Psychological torture


Physical torture


Corruption in politics of regulations




Deprivations of rights under the color of law


Political abuse







Do you ever feel unsafe where you live?


Q) What do psychologists, muftis, Imams and priests in different fields do?

Rate yourself on each with a scale of 0 to 4 based upon your current thoughts, feelings, and behaviors:
0 = I never think, feel, or behave this way.
1 = I do less than half the time.
2 = I do 50% of the time.
3 = I do more than half the time.
4 = I always think, feel, or behave this way.

_____1. I like and accept myself as I am right now, today, even as I grow and evolve.
_____2. I am worthy simply for who I am, not what I do. I do not have to earn my worthiness.
_____3. I get my needs met before meeting the wants of others. I balance my needs with those of my partner and family.
_____4. I easily release negative feelings from other’s judgments and focus instead on living my life with integrity and to the best of my abilities.
_____5. I always tell myself the truth about what I am feeling.
_____6. I am incomparable and stop comparing myself with other people.
_____7. I feel of equal value to other people, regardless of my performance, looks, IQ, achievements, or possessions.
_____8. I am my own authority. I make decisions with the intention of furthering my own and others’ best interests.
_____9. I learn and grow from my mistakes rather than deny them or use them to confirm my unworthiness.
____10. I stop my critical self-talk and replace it with a nurturing, kind, encouraging voice.
____11. I love, respect, and honor myself.
____12. I am not responsible for anyone else’s actions, needs, choices, thoughts, moods, or feelings, only for my own.
____13. I do not dominate others or allow others to dominate me.
____14. I have good physical and emotional boundaries with others.
____15. I feel my own feelings and think my own thoughts, even when those around me think or feel differently.
____16. I stop using "shoulds" and "oughts," which are value judgments that put me or another down. (It is irrelevant what I should have done or should do. It is more important to know what I am willing to do and not do.)
____17. I am responsible for changing what I do not like in my life. I face my problems, fears, and insecurities and take appropriate steps to heal and grow.
____18. I am a person of my word and follow through on the things I commit to do.
____19. I forgive myself and others for making mistakes and being unaware.
____20. I believe my life counts. I find meaning and have purpose in my life.
____21. I deserve love and happiness even when others blame or criticize me, for I cannot control what others think about me.
____22. I take care of myself on all levels: physical, social, emotional, mental, and spiritual.
____23. I spend quality time with myself on a regular basis.
____24. I release unreal expectations for myself and others.
____25. I choose to love and respect all human beings regardless of their beliefs and actions; some I have a personal relationship with and most I do not.