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Female Medical History
Adolescent Girls (13 to 18 Years)
Demographic Data
Contraception History
Social History
Sexual History
Family Medical History/ Mother, Father, Sister, Brother
Personal Medical History
Menstrual History
Pregnancy History (if you have not ever been pregnant, skip to the next section)
Personality questions
Women's health
What is your complaint or problem relevant to being a woman?
Activities of everyday living issues
Annual health assessment issues
Assets issues
Abilities/skills issues
Acquired harms
Contraception issues
Communications issues
Detention issues
Education issues
Emergency contact details issues
Family issues
Hospitalization issues
Impairment rating and disability determination
Language issues
Menstruation issues
Pregnancy issues
Profession issues
Personality questions
Referrals issues
Relationships issues
Survival needs issues
Stress issues
Social issues
Sexual issues
Signs of genital or breast lumps, discharge, or sores.
Issues not specified above


Do you think there are any other issues relevant to woman?

What are the details of the issue or issues?

What should I know about you?

Activities of everyday living
Annual health assessment
Emergency Contact
Impairment Rating and Disability Determination
Survival Needs
Travel history

What is your name?

What is your date of birth?

Where and when were you born?

What is your gender?

What is today's date?

What is your telephone number?

What is your e-mail address or fax number?


What is your mailing address?





Where are you located now?


What was your mailing address from birth until now?




Where do you live now?

How long have you lived at this address?

What is your contact information including current mailing address, telephone, e-mail, and any other details, and person to contact in case of emergency?






How long do you plan to live at this address?

Activities of everyday living

What is your normal day like?

What do you normally enjoy doing?

Annual health assessment

When was your last annual health assessment done?

Who did your last annual health assessment?

What were the findings?

What were the recommendations?

Did the recommendations help?

Was it an annual health assessment or evaluation of a new problem?

When did you last see a medical doctor?

Did you see a medical doctor for an annual health assessment or a new problem?

What seemed to be the problem?

What was the diagnosis and treatment?

What is the name and contact information of the medical doctor who gave you this diagnosis and treatment?


What are your assets?


What are your abilities and skills?


Do you have any complaint/problem relevant to human health care today?

If you have any complaint/problem relevant to human health care today, what are the details?

How are you feeling today?

Do you have any problems today?

What seems to be the problem?





Do you have any other problems?

Can you explain?


What is the best method to communicate with you?
Telephone call.
Postal mail.
Communication through media.


What is your educational background?

What is your work experience?

Emergency Contact

Do you have a guardian who can be contacted in an emergency?

What are the details of your guardian?

If there are none in Illinois, the state of Illinois should arrange a guardian.

Impairment Rating and Disability Determination
Health status

How would you describe your health status relevant to your age?


100% mentally fit.
100% physically fit.

Do you have any problems with activities mentioned below relevant to your age?

Caring for oneself (eating, dressing, toileting, etc.)
Performing manual tasks
Getting started after sleep

These are basic questions.
There are many more.
Contraception History:

How old were you when you first had vaginal intercourse?

______years old.
How important is it for you to avoid pregnancy now?

Not at all

What birth control methods have you used in the past?

Foam/film or jelly
Birth control pills
Implants under the skin
Withdrawal/pulling out
Diaphragm/cervical cap
Rhythm method
Tubal ligation/tubes tied
Partner has vasectomy
NuvaRing (vaginal ring)

What birth control are you and your partner(s) currently using?


Are you happy with your method?

How often do you use condoms?


Have you ever used emergency contraception (morning after pill)?


Are you planning to get pregnant in the next two years?

Have you ever been pregnant in the past?

Are you currently breastfeeding?

Have you had problems with previous pregnancies?

Social History:

How many glasses of an alcoholic beverage do you have per week?

Do you smoke cigarettes? If yes, how many cigarettes per day?

Do you use street drugs? If yes, please list:

Have you ever used injected drugs?

Have you ever shared needles?

Has anyone ever told you that you have a problem with drugs or alcohol?

Is anyone, including your partner, threatening you, causing you to be afraid, or hurting you physically?

Have you ever been pressured or forced to have sex when you did not want to?

Have you ever had a sex partner with a history of:
Injected drug use
Sex with men

Sexual History:

The case history is essential for correct diagnosis and proper case management.

When did you first have intercourse?

How old were you?

What do you understand about intercourse?

How do you feel?

Are you sexually active?

What method of contraception are you currently using?

When did you start it?

Did you have any side effects?

What contraceptive methods have you tried previously?

When did you start using that contraceptive method?

Where did you procure it?

Why did you stop it?

With how many different people have you had intercourse up to now?

How many times have you had intercourse up to now?

What was the location?

Were you raped?

Have you ever been raped?

Where you ever molested?

What do you think is the difference between rape and molestation?

What is your normal day like?

In the last 12 months... 1. ? Yes ? No
Have you been sexually active?
If no, skip to #6. If yes, how many sexual partners have you had? ________
Have you had sex with: ? Men ? Women ? Both 3. Have you and/or your partner(s) had: ? Oral sex ? Anal sex ? Vaginal sex 4. ? Yes ? No

Do you think that your partner has other sexual partners?

In the last 12 months have you or your sex partner(s) had any of the following: Chlamydia Trichomoniasis (Trich) Bacterial vaginosis (BV) Gonorrhea Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Syphilis Genital Herpes Genital warts Other: ________________ 7. ? Yes ? No Is there anything else about your health or sexual practices that you would like to discuss with your clinician?

Do you talk to your parents about sexuality issues?

This information is confidential and will be used by your medical provider to make sure you get proper care.

Are you allergic to any medications?

Do you take any over the counter medicines, prescription medicines, vitamins, supplements, or home remedies?

Do you have another healthcare provider? If yes, who?

Pregnancy History (if you have not ever been pregnant, skip to the next section)

Have you ever been pregnant in the past?

( if no, skip to the next section)
Please list the number of the following:
_____ Pregnancies
_____ Live births
_____ Abortions
_____ Miscarriages
_____ Ectopic (tubal) pregnancies
_____ # of C - secti ons

How long ago was your last pregnancy?

_____ month(s), _____ year(s)

Are you currently breastfeeding?

Have you had problems with previous pregnancies?

Pregnancy History

Do you plan to have children within the next 2 years ?

Would you like information that could help y ou to have a healthy pregnancy when the time is right for you?

How do you plan to prevent pregnancy?

Have you ever been pregnant?

Have you been pregnant within the past year?

Age at first pregnancy: ________________
Number of times pregnant: __________
Number of live births: ______________
Number of living children: ___________
Ages: _____________
Number of C -
sections: ____ _______ _
Number of miscarriages: ____________
Number of abortions: _______________
Number of ectopic/tubal pregnancies: ____________
Describe any complication you had during pregnancy (high blood pressure; depression; high blood sugars)___ ________________________________
Are you breastfeeding now?


Do you think you may be pregnant now?


Family Medical History/ Mother, Father, Sister, Brother:

Provider notes: Has anyone in your family (mother, father, brother, sister) ever had:
Heart attack/disease
High cholesterol
Maternal DES exposure
Ovarian, breast or uterine
Blood clot in legs/lungs
Birth defects/genetic problems
I do not know my family medical history
High blood pressure

Personal Medical History:

Have YOU ever had problems with any of these?
Check all that apply.
Heart disease
Sickle cell disease
Gall bladder disease
High blood pressure
Kidney/bladder problems
Eating disorder
Seizures or epilepsy
High cholesterol
Suicidal thoughts
Thyroid disease
Tuberculosis (TB)
Severe headaches or
Ovarian cyst/abnormality
Blood clot in legs/lungs migraines
Bleed/bruise easily
Liver problems

Have you ever been hospitalized or had any surgery? If yes, when and why?

Have you ever had a transfusion or blood exposure?

Have you been immunized against rubella?

Have you been immunized against hepatitis B?

When was your last Pap smear?

Have you ever had an abnormal Pap smear?

Have you ever had a mammogram?

If yes, when was your last one? ______________ Was it normal? _______________

Menstrual History:

Age period started: __________
Periods come every _________
days and last _________ days.
Periods are:

Do you have bleeding or spotting in between your periods?

1. List any previous surgery
2. Are you allergic to any medications? List type & reaction you have, ex: nausea, etc. 3. High blood pressure
4. Heart disease
5. Blood clots in my legs/lungs
6. Varicose veins/circulatory problem
7. Elevated cholesterol
8. Thyroid problem
9. Diabetes
10. Asthma or lung diseases
11. Liver disease, hepatitis, recent jaundice, mono
12. Gall bladder disease
13. Epilepsy, convulsions/seizures
14. A skin disorder
15. Emotional problems/d epression
16. Sickle Cell trait/disease, other anemia
17. Cancer: Type
18. Urinary problems
19. Numbness in arms or legs
20. Bowel/stomach/rectal problems
21. Do you have any risk factors for ________? For example: multiple partner
s, IV drug use, unprotected sex
22. Sexually Transmitted Infections (gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, chlamydia, warts)
23. Stroke or paralysis
24. Migraines
25. Breast cysts or lumps or disease
26. Infection in tubes, ovaries, uterus
27. I do breast self
- exams regularly
28. Abnormal Pap smear
29. Female or abdominal surgery?
30. Do you smoke? Number per day______
31. Do you use snuff?
32. Do you use alcohol? (beers/drinks per day ____ or ____ per week)
33. Do you drink and drive?
34. Do you wear seat belts?
35. Do you use bicycle or motorcycle helmets?

Premarital counseling for the bride and groom

How should you do a quick assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of a person reported as a human pregnancy medical emergency?

