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Q) How much will it cost?
$25000 per student

Q) What is your name?
Q) What is your real, birth name?
Q) Where and when were you born?
Q) Where did you go to high school?
Q) Where did you go to college?
Q) What's your father's name?
Q) What's your mother's birth name?
Q) Where were they both born?
Q) What's your political affiliation?
Q) How important is religion?
Q) What are the qualities of a good teacher?
Q) What courses should be taught and when?
Q) What should be evaluated and when?
    Q) Who creates the key for the answers?
    Q) Are you sure the answers are correct?
    Q) Shouldn't the questions and also the correct answers be displayed publicly and on the worldwide web?
Q) What is the curriculum?
Q) What are the global practices?
Q) Can you email or post your typical lecture?

Where do we go from here?
From onsite to online.
Q) What Ought to Be Taught in Schools?
Q) What Should Be Evaluated and When?
Q) What to Look for in a Teacher Preparation Program?
Q) What's the difference between a university, a college, and a school?
Q) How would this question have been answered in 1950?
Q) How should this question be answered in 2008?
Q) What are the qualities of a good teacher?
Q) What courses should be taught and when?
Q) What are the global practices?
Q) What courses should be eliminated because they don't enhance intellectual and interpersonal skills, physical development, and industry specific skills and knowledge?
Q) Isn't it mandatory for all curriculums to come under review and upgrade?
Q) How can examiners bias be eliminated while marking essay type questions?
Q) How can examiners incompetence be overcome while marking essay type questions?
Q) Is it possible?
Q) Should essay type questions be eliminated all together?
Q) Are multiple choice questions with single best answers comparatively the best way of evaluation?
Q) Should this be supplemented with fill in the blank type questions?
Q) Where do you think this lecture can be utilized?
Q) Which grade, class, subject, and profession do you teach?
Q) What has been your most positive/negative teaching experience?
Q) Describe an ideal curriculum in your area of study.
Q) How do you start a lecture?
Q) How do you continue a lecture?
Q) How do you close a lecture?
Q) For example:
Do you have any questions related to this subject and topic?
Please put them in writing.
Q) What does it mean to understand?
Q) How do we teach for understanding?
Q) How do we assess understanding?
Q) How do you reinforce self-esteem in your students?
Q) What do you like most about being an educator? Least?
Q) How do you evaluate your teaching?
Q) What issues in education are of greatest concern to you? Why?
Q) What is your role as a teacher?
Q) How do I go about grading constructively?
Q) How do I grade fairly and accurately?
Q) How do I prepare my students for testing?
Q) What can I do to minimize student complaints about tests and grades?
Q) You notice a significant behavior change in a student. What action would you take?
Q) Does the institution prepare candidates to integrate technology into instruction? How well is technology integrated into the coursework at the institution?
Q) Does the institution provide many opportunities for candidates to learn how to teach under the supervision of a variety of veteran teachers?
Q) Does the institution prepare candidates to work with the growing diversity of North America, Asia Pacific, Africa, Middle East, South America school population?
Q) Do teacher candidates acquire knowledge of the most effective teaching strategies?
How are teacher candidates evaluated on their performance by the institution?
By whom are the prospective teachers evaluated?
How is it accomplished?
Q) Teachers State licensing exam-What Should Be Evaluated and When?
Q) How does the institution seek feedback from graduates, and how is it incorporated into the program?
Q) What has been the feedback from graduates?
Q) What has been the feedback from principals, department chairs?
Q) Why did the curriculum need to be revised?
Q) What should candidates know about the scoring process?
Q) What does effective candidate support look like?
Q) How can support providers focus candidates on what is truly important?
Q) What is the teacher/student ratio in your district?
Q) Do you encourage teachers to earn?
Q) How many classes a day will I be expected to teach? What is the typical class size?
Q) Tell me about the students who attend this school?
Q) Can you give a profile of the 'typical' student?
Q) What textbooks does the district use in this subject area?
Q) Do teachers participate in curriculum review and change?
Q) What kinds of support staff members are available to help students and teachers?
Q) Describe the teachers at this school? Can you give a profile of the 'typical' teacher?
Q) How do current staff welcome new teachers?
Q) What discipline procedures does the district use? Is there a certain philosophy that you adhere to?
Q) How do parents support the school?
Q) How does the community support the schools?
Q) Do your schools use teacher aides or parent volunteers? What is their role?
Q) What allowances are provided for supplies and materials?
Q) Describe the status of computer usage at your school? How do you envision it changing during the next three years?
Q) Does the administration encourage field trips for students?
Q) How are teachers assigned to extracurricular activities?
Q) Does the district have a statement of educational philosophy or mission?
Q) What are prospects for future growth in this community and its schools?
Q) What kind of teacher job commitment is expected by the board, superintendent, principal and parents?

Instructional skills

    Q) Describe the teaching techniques or strategies that are most effective for you.
    Q) How would you include cooperative learning in your classroom?
    Q) How do you meet the wide range of skills and needs commonly present in a non-ability grouped classroom?
    Q) What do you include when you write objectives?
    Q) How do you assess your students to determine how well they are learning? (formally and informally)
    Q) What techniques do you use to keep students actively involved during a lesson?
    Q) Describe different student learning styles or modalities of students and how you adjust lessons to benefit those differing styles.
    Q) Do you feel that the teacher should be responsible for developing objectives or should they be provided in the curriculum?
    Q) How do you deal with the unmotivated student?
    Q) Is drill and practice important? How and when would you use it?
    Q) What would you do if 50% of the class did poorly on a test?
    Q) How do you increase the chances that students will understand what you are teaching?

Professional experiences.

    Q) Describe your student teaching experience(s). What are some of the most significant things you learned from your cooperating teacher(s)? What did you like/dislike?
    Q) What is your knowledge of and experience with standards-based education?
    Q) What experience have you had with students from culturally diverse backgrounds?
    Q) When did you first become interested in teaching?
    Q) What opportunities have you had to bring multicultural education into your classroom?
    Q) Describe your experience(s) working in an urban setting.
    Q) How well has your college/university prepared you for the field of teaching?

Technology/computer skills

    Q) How would you incorporate technology in your classroom?
    Q) What are your computer skills?
    Q) What software have you used for instructional or classroom purposes?
    Q) How are students allowed to use technology in your classroom?

Classroom discipline

    Q) Describe your philosophy regarding discipline.
    Q) What techniques would you use to handle discipline problems that may arise in your classroom?
    Q) What was the most challenging discipline problem you've encountered and how did you handle it?
    Q) Were you prepared to handle this situation? In hindsight, would you have handled this situation any differently?
    Q) What kind of rules do you have in your classroom? How are they established?
    Q) How would you create and promote a safe atmosphere in your classroom?

Classroom management

    Q) What is your classroom management plan/style? What are your goals?
    Q) Describe what you consider to be the model classroom. What would a typical day look like in this classroom?
    Q) Share three interesting techniques used in your classroom.
    Q) When students say they want their teacher to be fair, what do you think they mean?

Planning skills

    Q) What do you include in your daily lesson plans? How closely do you follow your plans?
    Q) What are some of the considerations you make when planning your lessons? How do you plan a unit?
    Q) How much homework will you assign? How do you know how long it will take your students?
    Q) How do you feel when you do not meet a deadline? What do you do when students do not meet their deadlines?

Teacher relationships with students

    Q) What kind of students do you like to work with? What type of students could you teach most effectively?
    Q) You give an assignment. A student ridicules the assignment, saying it doesn't make sense. What would you do?
    Q) How do you help students experience success?
    Q) How would you individualize instruction for students?
    Q) What procedures do you use to evaluate student progress besides using tests?
    Q) How would you challenge the slow learner and the advanced learner within the same class?
    Q) What would your students say about you?

Relationships With Colleagues

    Q) What kind of teachers would you prefer to work with? Why?
    Q) What activities would you like to work with in our school?
    Q) What quality or qualities do you have that would enhance our teaching staff?
    Q) What are some personality characteristics you find undesirable in people?
    Q) Who should be responsible for discipline in a school? Why?
    Q) What needs and/or expectations do you have of the school administration?

Teacher relationships with parents

    Q) What do you feel is the most effective way to communicate with parents? Describe how you have used this/these technique(s).
    Q) Describe the reasons why you would contact parents.
    Q) What would you include in your Open House presentations to parents?
    Q) What community activities would you like to be associated with? Why?

Instructional Techniques

    Q) Describe any school experience you have had, particularly in student teaching (or in another teaching position) that has prepared you for a full-time position at our school.
    Q) How would you integrate technology into the curriculum you would teach?
    Q) Describe any innovative projects you have been involved in developing.
    Q) Give an example of how you have used cooperative learning in your classroom.
    Q) What four words would students use to describe your teaching strategies?
    Q) What rules do you have for your classroom?
    Q) Describe your teaching style and how you accommodate the different learning styles of the students in your classes.
    Q) What do you consider to be your strengths and how will you use them in your teaching?
    Q) In what ways do you keep students on task and well behaved during collaborative group activities?

Personal qualities

    Q) Why have you selected teaching as a profession?
    Q) What are your , short term and long term?
    Q) What makes you an effective teacher?
    Q) Describe yourself with three adjectives and explain why they were chosen.
    Q) What distinguishes you from other candidates?
    Q) Describe your fears of being a teacher.
    Q) Would you describe yourself as a team player or an individual achiever?
    Q) What is your most successful accomplishment?
    Q) Tell me whom you would like to emulate. Why?

Background information

    Q) Why did you choose to Teach?
    Q) What are your hobbies and interests?
    Q) What are your plans for continuing your professional growth?
    Q) Tell me about an interesting article you have read recently in a professional journal.
    Q) What contributions can you make to our school?
    Q) What current trends in public education please you? Displease you?
    Q) Tell me about the three people who have most influenced your own education and educational career.
    Q) Describe positive/negative student teaching experiences.
    Q) Describe a typical lesson in your classroom. What would I see you and your students doing?
    Q) What questions do you ask yourself when planning lessons or units?
    Q) What do you look for to evaluate that learning is taking place in your classroom?
    Q) How do you handle different ability levels of students in your classroom?
    Q) What principles do you use to motivate students?
    Q) What are some of the most successful strategies or techniques that have worked for you in the classroom?
    Q) What steps would you take to handle a student who is a consistent behavioral problem in your classroom?
    Q) How would you handle an attendance problem in your classroom?
    Q) How would you handle a personal attack from a parent? (For example: A parent tells you, "What do you know about teaching children, you don't have any!?")
    Q) What are your thoughts on the number of shows/contests you should attend each semester?
    Q) What activities would you like to become involved in within our school, district, or community?
    Q) Why do you want to work in our school system? What would you bring to us?
    Q) Describe your thoughts about student and teacher accountability.
    Q) What professional development topics interest you?
    Q) Why should we hire you over the two other finalists who have comparable qualifications?
How Can Teachers Develop Students' Motivation and Success?
Who Is Leading Our Schools?
What are Successful Schools Doing?
Is There Truly a Shortage of School Principals?
What is Your Classroom Management Profile?
How effective is distance education?
What are the some tips and techniques for teaching distance education classes?
What can teachers do to help develop students who will face challenges rather than be overwhelmed by them?
Do you know what your students are learning?
What can be done to make schools safer?
What information is available on technology standards?
Do you have any resources on classroom management?
What information do you have regarding educational standards?
What should be evaluated and when?
Do you have any resources for helping students deal with the current war in Iraq?
How can school counselors positively impact students' academic achievement?
What can you tell me about guidance and counseling in K-12?
Do you have any research on effective practices for teaching handwriting?
How can I help motivate my students?
What factors influence students to drop out of school?
Do you have any research on the effect of background music on students?
Do school libraries have a positive impact on students?
Does having a professional school media specialist on staff increase student achievement?
What can you tell me about the privatization of public schools?
Where can I find resources on how to write a good lesson plan?
How can I better meet the needs of the gifted students in my classroom?
What are some of the characteristics of gifted children?
What can you tell me about curriculum compacting?
Giftedness and the Gifted: What's it all About?
Q) What should candidates know about the scoring process?
Q) What subjects are being covered in this process?
Q) How will teachers be trained on the new standards?
Q) How do we create schools and curricula that are "essential"?
Q) What are the keys to dramatically improving school effectiveness?
Q) What is important?
Q) What knowledge and capabilities do we want our graduates to have?
Q) How can we design learning sequences and activities that will logically and deliberately lead to this end result?
Q) What key skills and essential understandings must be taught and reinforced at each and every level by each and every staff member?
    Who creates the key for the answers?
    Are you sure the answers are correct?
    Shouldn't the questions and also the correct answers be displayed publicly and on the worldwide web?
Q) What Products Do You Recommend?
Q) Do you have any recommendations?
Q) Would you like to add anything?
Q) Can you make me wiser? How?
Q) Can you make us wiser? How?
Q) What is the curriculum?
Q) Can you email or post your typical lecture?
Q) Describe an ideal curriculum in your area of study.
Q) What courses should be taught and when?
Grade 1EnglishMathematicsScienceSocial Science/HistoryComputer/Foreign Language/Health/Physical Education
Grade 2EnglishMathematicsScienceSocial Science/HistoryComputer/Foreign Language/Health/Physical Education
Grade 3EnglishMathematicsScienceSocial Science/HistoryComputer/Foreign Language/Health/Physical Education
Grade 4EnglishMathematicsScienceSocial Science/HistoryComputer/Foreign Language/Health/Physical Education
Grade 5EnglishMathematicsScienceSocial Science/HistoryComputer/Foreign Language/Health/Physical Education
Grade 6EnglishMathematicsScienceSocial Science/HistoryComputer/Foreign Language/Health/Physical Education
Grade 7EnglishMathematicsScienceSocial Science/HistoryComputer/Foreign Language/Health/Physical Education
Grade 8EnglishMathematicsScienceSocial Science/HistoryComputer/Foreign Language/Health/Physical Education
Grade 9EnglishMathematicsScienceSocial Science/HistoryComputer/Foreign Language/Health/Physical Education
Grade 10EnglishMathematicsScienceSocial Science/HistoryComputer/Foreign Language/Health/Physical Education
Grade 11EnglishMathematicsScienceSocial Science/HistoryComputer/Foreign Language/Health/Physical Education
Grade 12EnglishMathematicsScienceSocial Science/HistoryComputer/Foreign Language/Health/Physical Education
Where do we go from here?
From onsite to online.
Click here
Do you have better answer?
Does anyone else have a better answer?
Does anyone else have an answer better than the answers I already have, we have?

Choosing a Quality High School: Seven Questions You Should Ask

Are the principal and teachers willing to discuss the curriculum?
Have any teachers gotten individual classroom grants?
Is there an Advanced Placement program?
What percentage of graduating seniors go on to college?
Are teachers computer literate?
In what ways is technology integrated into classwork?
Are they working with the new International standards?

Revised Standards of Learning Curriculum Framework

Chicago-High Schools
Medina-High Schools
Kashmir-High Schools
Delhi-High Schools
Mumbai-High Schools
Bangalore-High Schools
London (UK)-High Schools
Houston-High Schools
Chinese-High Schools
French-High Schools
UAE-High Schools
Japan-High Schools
Russian-High Schools
Brasil-High Schools
South African-High Schools
German-High Schools
Swedish-High Schools
Australian-High Schools
Newzealand-High Schools
Bahrain-High Schools
Egypt-High Schools
Iran-High Schools
Iraq-High Schools
Israel-High Schools
Jordan-High Schools
Yemen-High Schools
Kuwait-High Schools
Lebanon-High Schools
Oman-High Schools
Palestine-High Schools
Qatar-High Schools
Syria-High Schools
Cameroon-High Schools
(more coming soon)
What is cross-referencing, and is it required?
What is meant by full alignment, and is it required?
Are full alignment and cross-referencing different?
How will full alignment be determined?
What does it mean that a district must have instructional activities and assessments (including performance-based assessments) for a majority of the objectives?
How are instructional strategies and instructional activities different?
Do all measurable objectives have to be aligned?
How will technology, research, and workplace-readiness skills be checked?