Developmental Milestones Quiz

When can kids begin to print letters and write their name?

a) 3 years
b) 4 years
c) 5 years
d) 6 years
e) 7 years
5 years

Your child will be ready for potty training when she is...

a) 15 months
b) 18 months
c) 24 months
d) 36 months
e) none of the above
none of the above

At what age do some toddlers begin to feed themselves with a spoon?

b) 15 months
a) 13 months
b) 15 months
c) 19 months
d) 21 months
e) any of the above
any of the above

The majority of infants and toddlers usually take their first steps between the ages of...

a) 8 to 9 months
b) 10 to 12 months
c) 11 to 15 months
d) 15 to 21 months
e) 18 to 24 months
11 to 15 months

A baby's first words are usually mommy and daddy.

a) True
b) False

A baby's first words are usually mama or dada, which you may hear for the first time when your baby is six to nine months old.

A child can only stack 4 blocks on top of each other. She is probably about...

a) 15 months old
b) 17 months old
c) 26 months old
d) 30 months old
e) 36 months old
17 months old

7 Boys can usually start puberty at age...

a) 7 years
b) 9 years
c) 15 years
d) 16 years
e) either b or c
9 years

8 As a two year old begins to talk more, you can expect her to...

a) have a vocabulary of 500 or more words
b) begin to put 3 or 4 word sentences together
c) begin to use pronouns, such as mine and me
d) have speech that is 75 percent understandable
e) all of the above
begin to use pronouns, such as mine and me

9 This little girl can sing songs, listen to stories, shares things spontaneously, recognize and print letters, and just learned her phone number and address. How old is she?

a) 4 years old
b) 5 years old
c) 6 years old
d) 7 years old
e) 8 years old
6 years old

10 Girls can usually start puberty at age... 13 years

a) 6 years
b) 8 years
c) 13 years
d) 14 years
e) either b or c
either b or c

11 Two kids are playing next to each other, but aren't sharing their toys or playing together. They are likely...

a) newborns
b) toddlers
c) preschoolers
d) school age children
e) teenagers

12 By the time he is five years old, a child should usually be able to...

a) ride a bike without training wheels
b) tie his shoes
c) ride in a car without a booster seat
d) sleep in a bunk bed
e) all of the above
tie his shoes

13 By the time they are four years old, most kids should be able to:

a) ride a bike without training wheels
b) stay home alone
c) tie their shoes
d) dress themselves without help
e) print his name
dress themselves without help

14 How many hours should the typical eight year old sleep each night?

a) 8-9 hours
b) 9-10 hours
c) 10-11 hours
d) 11-12 hours
e) 12-13 hours
10-11 hours

15 Your baby can sit up without support, rolls over, laughs, and reaches for things, but can't pull up on things yet. How old is she?

a) 3 months
b) 4 months
c) 6 months
d) 8 months
e) 9 months
6 months

16 Tummy time can...

a) reduce a babies risk of SIDS
b) cause babies to get flat heads
c) be done for 10 to 20 minutes once or twice a day
d) be done even if your baby really hates it and cries the whole time
e) all of the above
be done for 10 to 20 minutes once or twice a day

17 ECI, ________ state programs that help young children with developmental delays and disabilities get therapy, stands for...
a) Every Children Involvement
b) Early Childhood Intervention
c) Easy Child Integration
d) Early Consultants Institute
Early Childhood Intervention

18 By three months, you should talk to your pediatrician if your baby does not:

a) smile
b) hold his head up without support
c) follow moving objects with his eyes
d) respond to some loud noises
e) all of the above
all of the above

19 At what age do most babies start to roll over?

a) one to two months
b) two to three months
c) two to six months
d) four to seven months
e) six to nine months
two to six months

20 If a child doesn't meet a milestone at a very specific time, then that usually means that he has a developmental delay.

a) True
b) False

There is usually a wide range for when children reach most milestones. For example, most children begin to walk well on their own sometime between 11 and 15 months. If you have a group of 12 month olds or group of moms talking about their kids, you will likely see some walking well already, and many others still just cruising around while holding on to things. And all can be developing normally. There is rarely a specific time for kids to meet a milestone, so unless a child is outside the normal range for picking up a milestone, then he is likely not delayed unless he has already missed a lot of his other milestones already.