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What is crisis?

Critical event or point of decision which, if not handled in an appropriate and timely manner (or if not handled at all), may turn into a disaster or catastrophe.

What constitutes a crisis?

A crisis, then, is usually a time of loss, change, or stress that takes people out of their comfort zones and normal coping patterns. It is a significant challenging and stretching time that may be a turning point in one's life.

Effectively walking through this time will lead to growth. A bad situation will be used for good. Inability to cope may lead to depression, substance abuse, taking anger out on others in violence or abuse, or perhaps suicide. The person will be left with feelings of guilt and failure which will affect future coping. He/she will begin a downward spiral and will tend to move from one crisis to another.

Often a crisis is precipitated by a loss of some sort or a situation that threatens normalcy or expectations. The greater the threat, the more severe the crisis will seem.

Some of these events are predictable due to developmental factors. From the first day of school through retirement, change is inevitable. Some situations, however, come from unexpected tragedies.

Some predicaments could have been controlled had the person made different choices in life but some happen outside of a person's control.

Is the event itself, however, the crisis or is it a person's response to the situation? What turns a problem into a crisis? What makes a problem, loss, tragedy, or stress seem like a crisis to one person and not to another? For some life will basically come to a halt when stricken with trying events. Others, while still hurting, will continue to function and for the most part carry on with life as normal.

In keeping with Webster's definition, the crisis is the instability and threat the event produces. A person's response to the upheaval will determine, in large part, its outcome.

Is the state ready to manage a crisis?

A crisis can be a sudden crisis or a smoldering crisis.
A resource has established a crisis hotline.
What is a crisis?
The state does not know.

What best describes a crisis?

An emotionally stressful event or traumatic change in a person's life.

A medico-legal case can lead to further diaster if not managed properly.

A crisis can affect an individual or many individuals at various locations.

What should a state display publicly?
Who is on duty to manage a crisis?
What is the contact information?
Have they established an Internet resource?
What are examples of crises?
What are examples of mishandled crises?
Do those on duty know what a crisis is?
Can those on duty manage a crisis?
How do you manage a crisis?
How should you manage a crisis?

What is an example of a smoldering crisis?
This is an example of a smoldering crisis.