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Civil Services Exam
What should you do in case anyone suggests a civil services examination?

Do not go ahead with any civil services exam without getting answers to relevant questions before any written test or interview.

What questions should you get answered in case anyone persuades you to seek civil services or civil services examination?

What work is available?
How is performance measured?
What is expected of you?
How long do you need this product or service?
All people do not need to work at the same time on-site, in the field, or other locations.
Who provided this requirement?
How was the requirement calculated?
Is this work going to enhance essential ingredients of the economy?
Is this work possible over the Internet?
Is this work been provided already over the Internet?

Here are further guidelines.

What will happen if you do not get these questions answered as soon as possible before any written test or interview?

Sooner or later, you will get harmed.
You may also get involved in harming others and face problems, complaints, and punishments due to the fact you did not ask relevant questions ahead of time.