How old are you?
What is expected of you?
Social Studies
Physical education
Skills You Can Expect Kids to Learn by Age 2
When should mother, father, caregiver or guardian ask the following questions to the child:
1. What is your name?
2. How old are you?
3. What is your date of birth?
4. What is your mailing address?

When should the child be able to answer and ask these questions?

Do not wait for a child to begin elementary education on his or her 5th birthday in elementary school. Elementary school education of a child starts at home.

Age-specific English language

What are my recommendations for English language abilities relevant to age?

If you recite words and sentences in the English language when a child is 3 months old, then at the age of 6 months to 1 year, a child is able to recite his or her name, age, and later address.

If you begin reciting these questions from 3 months onwards in the English language, then later a child will be able to understand and reply to these questions and ask these questions in English language.

What is your name?
What is your date of birth?
What is your parent’s/guardian’s name?
What is your mailing address?
What is the telephone number of your location? `

30 Words a 2-Year-Old Should Be Saying
  1. Mommy

  2. Daddy

  3. Baby

  4. Milk

  5. Juice

  6. Water

  7. Hello

  8. Bye-bye

  9. Yes

  10. No

  11. Please

  12. Ball

  13. Nose

  14. Eye

  15. Banana

  16. Cookie

  17. Hot

  18. Thank you

  19. Bath

  20. Shoe

  21. Toilet

  22. Hat

  23. Book

  24. More

  25. Animal

  26. Door

  27. Sleep

  28. Clothes

  29. Computer

  30. Meals
Last Updated: October 17, 2017